OM is a unique specialist fertilizer consisting of organic carbon, organic booster like amino acids, trace amounts of essential minerals and effective AIMS (Agriculturally Important Microorganisms). OM intended to provide most comprehensive crop nutrition which improve Physico-Chemical and biological properties of soil ecosystem, while enhancing crop productivity
Organic carbon
Trace amounts of essential minerals
AIMS (Agriculturally Important Microorganisms)
Special features
Increases yield by 20-25%.
Reduces the use of inorganic fertilizers by 20%.
Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
It protects the crop from soilborne fungal diseases.
Higher yield and better quality of the produce.
Dosage & application
Short duration crop
First application: Apply 50-100 kg of OM per acre at the time of planting along with other fertilizers.
Second application: Apply 50 kg of OM per acre at 45-125 days after planting along with other fertilizers.
Long duration crop
3-4 bags per acre per season.
Packing Size
50 kg
Suitable for all crops and compatible with all other agrochemicals