Drip & Drench Grade Humic and Fluvic acid derivatives
Humate is a plant nourishing tonic, which helps in vigorous root & shoot development and better yield. It is suitable for all Agriculture, Horticulture, Plantation and Ornamental crops.
Humic & fulvic acid and their derivatives : 5%
Potassium : 2%
Nutrient & Growth booster : 1%
Filler material : q.s
Special Features
Improves root proliferation & shoot biomass.
Improves nutrient uptake and important part of INM.
Build resistance to pests, diseases and environmental stresses.
Enhances yield and quality of crop in vegetables and fruits.
Dosage & Application
Drip & Drench : 5 to10 liters / acre with sufficient quantity of water.
Seed treatment : 5 to 10 ml / kg of seed in sufficient quantity of water.
Seedling / Root dip: 5 ml per liter of water.
Packing Size
5 liter
Suitable for all crops and compatible with all other agrochemicals