Our employees conducted a highly successful Field Demonstration Activity at Pimpalner village in the Shirur Kasar taluka of Beed district. The purpose of this activity was to showcase the benefits of using #Criyagen #DNPG in #Sugarcane #Crop to the local farmers and create awareness about its advantages.
The event was organized under the guidance of Mr. Rathod Sachin, our Marketing Trainee, who played a crucial role in coordinating the logistics and ensuring the smooth execution of the demonstration. His dedication and commitment to the project were commendable, and his efforts greatly contributed to the success of the event.
During the Field Demonstration Activity, we provided detailed explanations about the benefits of utilizing #Criyagen #DNPG in #Sugarcane #Crop to the attending farmers. We highlighted its positive impact on crop yield, quality, and overall plant health. The participants were able to witness firsthand the remarkable results of using #Criyagen #DNPG, and they expressed great interest in adopting this innovative approach.
The event generated significant enthusiasm among the farmers, and many of them showed keen interest in implementing #Criyagen #DNPG in their sugarcane cultivation practices. This positive response is a testament to the effectiveness and potential of this product, and it further reinforces our commitment to providing sustainable and innovative solutions to our customers.

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